Wednesday, August 26, 2009

reviving something almost dead

I wanted to revive my blog. I started with this once so I'll see if I still have the same answers.

NAME: pia
DO YOU SIN A LOT: yup tho i try hard not to... there are days when I can do better
DO YOU BACKSTAB: No. I don't even do this in games. I suck at being a rogue.
ARE YOU A GOOD FRIEND:I really really hope that I am
ARE YOU IN LOVE:Yes, I've been in love for so long I don't remember how it felt NOT to be in love.
ARE YOU YOUNG:I will never be old. I never feel like I'm growing old. That may be the secret to immortality. death is just another phase in life.
EVER BEEN A LEADER OF SOMETHING:Yes, events, projects, teams...
EVER KILLED A LIVING CREATURE:ants, cockroaches, flies, some insects bigger than cockroaches, worms, no reptiles yet, no mammals either though I was an accomplice in the death of some mice and SEVERAL huge rats. I think I ran over a flying bird once but I'm not sure.
LAST ODD THING DONE: Define odd? I've done some things that others may think as odd but I believe to be normal.
DO YOU WEAR MAKE-UP:nope. I'm still allergic and I still don't know how to put it.
DO YOU REBEL:yup, in small ways and occasionally in big ways as well.
EVER STARTED A FIRE:small fires to burn small things and big fires to burn big things :)
DO YOU THINK YOU'RE EVIL:i want to believe I'm inherently good but i know I'm capable of being evil.
DO YOU LIKE CHEATERS:it really depends on the situation. I like them if they can help me.
DO YOU REGRET: No, I don't. With everything that has happened, I'm glad I still don't have regrets.
DO YOU HAVE A BESTFRIEND:Yes, a bestfriend can have several definitions, levels and can be several people.
DO PEOPLE HATE YOU:Yep, people might hate me. I can't point anyone in particular though.
DO YOU HATE PEOPLE:I can hate people as an immediate reaction but it never lasts for more than a day.
CAN YOU KILL SOMEBODY:just because i hate them probably not. to save myself and people i love or just care about ( two different things ) i would kill without hesitation.
DO YOU CUT YOURSELF?:Why would I cut myself?
EVER TASTED BLOOD:yup. mine mostly. Neal's blood occasionally...
ARE YOU GOTHIC:Now that I think about it... no. I'm a happy sunny person who just happens to like writing about killing people sometimes.
DO YOU SMOKE:It depends on what needs to be smoked.
CONSUME DRUGS:good question.... what do you mean by consume? ;)
WHAT DO YOU WEAR:when i feel like i need to be "pretty" (this is all relative) I really dress up. otherwise I wear shirts and shorts and rubber shoes!this does not apply to work days.
DO YOU LIKE THE SUN:I don't have anything against it but I can't walk under it with my eye wide open ( my eyes are just slits) even if it's not a sunny day. it's one of the reasons my sister believes I'm a vampire.
HOW DOES GRIEF FEEL:Like a ghost hanging around the house with a string to a knife sticking out of your heart.
YOUR ROLE MODEL:Haruki Murakami. He writes, he runs, he's a very popular writer in both Japan and America. He can speak and write in Japanese and in English! Well, yes he is Japanese but still...
YOUR HEART DESIRES TO BE WITH WHOM:A little lost dragon named Nathan.
YOUR LISTENING TO:The fan blowing and someone's bad music renditions.
DO U HATE YOURSELF:I think I might hate myself just a little right now.
EVER GET DRUNK? :I've been trying to get drunk, very unsuccessfully. Got really close several times a couple of months ago but my liver always fights back.