Thursday, December 17, 2009


*Leaving on a Jet Plane playing in the background*

So we are currently packing. It's a good thing my books were already packed or I'd be in trouble. I'm still hunting down the new ones I've read and scattered around the house since we did Spring Cleaning last April. Not to mention all the Japanese books I have been procrastinating from. Neal even packed my bento stuff which is great but easy since they were all in plastic containers anyway.

It's kind of scary because I realize I never really truly just packed up all my stuff to put them in a new house. Sure we did that 2x when we were young but it was more like moving all the stuff we already had into new houses. This time, I won't be bringing anything but my personal stuff.

Questions like, do I bring my old childhood pictures, stuffed toys, old memorabilia from college or even high school, pop up every time I pack. Even clothes are hard to pack. I have to decide whether 1. Are they are really mine? 2. Do they still fit? 3. Can I still wear them and not look silly? 4. Do I really want to waste all that effort going slim just to fit into something I used to wear in college or even high school. (Yes, I do hang on to them) The prospect of buying all new stuff is scary. Books were easier to pack. I just left all my college books, threw my notes and retained all my favorite books. I left all the romance novels and young adult novels that weren't exactly award winning.

We're planning to build a bookshelf in the baby's room for all the books we want to buy our future babies. Including the complete set of Hardbound Hardy Boys Neal and I have been eying since we found out they were still in print. We still know the manager in Powerbooks ATC so we're pretty good in the book department.

It's really hard deciding what to bring. Yes I can go back to get them but I also have to let go. Neal and I have agreed on the 3 box rule: "Keep/Bring", "Throw/Give Away" and "Stay". My dragons can go to the new house but my other cutesy little anime figurines may not. We still don't have bookshelves so it really is hard.

We also have no bare necessities, except for soap which is great because our bathroom is the only complete part of the house. We might not even have a working kitchen because we still haven't bought the granite. We are pretty screwed the first few days. I imagine all the chores and errands I'd have to run alone before the holidays because Neal will be at work. On the bright side, my vacation will start this Saturday, the dogs will have their cages and I just took them to the vet for one last visit yesterday

I'm just ranting and raving at the same blog entry. I'm truly psyched. I'll upload shots of the house we had from start to finish during the holidays. ^_^

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