Friday, March 18, 2005


i miss my sister.
she's in the States right now and she's suppose to be having fun but she's homesick :(
when we were kids we used to try to kill each other :) but when we grew older, all those petty rivalries, jealousies, they went away. Of course we still have little fights every now and then but nothing serious.
after years of training, she now has the ability to always have the perfect smile when her picture is taken.
i envy that. i hate most of my pictures especially the ones for school (1x1, 2x2 sized pictures)
she's in almost every picture in our family album -- i usually take the shots not be in it and now, in the digital age, her phone has dozens of pictures of her :D
she's also the only one tammy poses with properly. my pictures with tammy always end up ruined because she plays with me but when pauline's with her, tammy poses for the picture as well.
people love her even when she's bitchy. she always tells me she's pretty (and it's true).
she always wants me touch her soft hair, tell her how nice she looks... yes, she's a lot like neal...
(i really love making life hard for me don't i?)
but she will never chose someone else's side even when i'm wrong(unless we're the only ones involved in a fight) and neither will i.
she promised me a trenchcoat(yes, i know in this weather?) and lots of other stuff and i know whatever she picks will be great because she is after all, my fashion guru.
i hope she has fun there. she can't be homesick... she's still got 5 weeks to go.

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