Wednesday, June 08, 2005

old habits die hard

I was so excited yesterday, eager to go to my first class (without a decent notebook but who cares?) and there was a note on the door saying "no classes today". Arrgh. I should have expected that from my prof. He still hasn't changed.
I still haven't changed. Instead of going home, I went to johann's. Neal was there and he wqas sort of expecting me so I drove there.
Dong's car was on the driveway and I suspected a game brewing. I was right. Carding was also there.
I went in just in time to see them playing Rumble Roses (?) a wrestling game full of women with big bouncing breasts. Yup, close ups don't lie.
They were also going to start playing their latest campaign. For those of you who read neal's fantasy blog, it's already chapter 6. Yup, he's 4 chapters behind.
I missed being in one of their game sessions. Things can get really loud and funny.
I took out my digital cam and we took pics of me, jo and carding then a pic of neal and dong. After that carding played around with the bag of holding and even got neal in it. ^_^
For those who have no idea what a bag of holding is, i found this site. It's generally a bag that apears to be normal but can open up and store items in another dimension. Remember how Mary Poppins bag was like? It's basically the same.
It was fun staying there making jokes and relating this to the Order of the Stick web comic. (i order you guys to read it! It's worth it. Although some jokes may require basic knowledge of DnD) It was also fun because they fought a dragon.
Then lei also came and I finally met her. I don't have to wait for the next presidential dinner.
I also asked if I could join. Jo said yes so I rolled for my character. My first 5 rolls were pathetic and even neal tried to roll a good set for me but couldn't. I think i really was reserving my good luck for the raffle hehe.
Before I left, I rolled a set for the last time and I just didn't look at the dice. I got the best set : 10, 12, 17, 11, 17, 14. Enough for a rouge/ranger! The good old days.

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