Tuesday, May 17, 2005

they do chickens wrong

I wasn't planning on posting anything today but I saw something shocking in Santolan:

KFC Cruelty Posted by Hello
I've heard rumors that KFC wasn't even using real chicken anymore so they had to change their name from Kentucky Fried Chicken to KFC. In a previous post I posted a link to snopes who reported that they changed the name because of the word Kentucky and not chicken.
Apparently, they're not exactly doing anything better than that. Advocates of animal rights, PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) have launched a campaign against KFC. They have even set up a website where celebrities are helping spread the word. They want people to boycott KFC until KFC improves the conditions of the chickens. They have even managed to spread the word here. Though I only saw one billboard while I drove from Quezon City to Alabang, I'm pretty sure it won't be long before they multiply.
According to the website:
Remember The Meatrix? "The lie we tell ourselves about where our food comes from." The flash animation I saw about industrial farming and how it is affecting our environment. Most people probably treat that as a joke because it is a parody of the Matrix but it is also true and should be taken seriously.
I'm not sure if the Philippines have jumped in the Industrial farming bandwagon. I still see a lot of small farms, chickens running around and cows still free to munch on grass during our climbing trips. However, I'm not sure if KFC Philippines imports their chicken meat. I heard from a reliable source that Jollibee imports its meat even if it is a Philippine company so KFC may be doing the same. It's possible but I wouldn't be screaming "Boycott KFC" just yet.
PETA also invites people to become vegetarians. I've eaten in vegetarian restaurants like the one in UP (forgot the name), Bodhi (vegetarian fastfood) and Greens (Tomas Morato Area). I can eat there once in a while but not everyday and last weekend I brought my whole family to eat at Greens and I have to say we didn't have fun being vegetarians for a night. I don't think we can last a lifetime.

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