Thursday, April 21, 2005

almost 50

for my dad.

who used to watch japanese tv episodes of the Blind Samurai with me every night and Akira Kurosawa's Seven Samurai when I was a kid.
-- and now wonders why I love japanese anime and samurai movies so much. We still like Toshiro Mifune.

who used to buy me chocolate milk at 3 am in the morning because I couldn't sleep and talk to me till 4 am.
-- and doesn't understand I'm an insomiac.

who forced me (kicking and screaming) to my first ferris wheel ride. i cried until we reached the top where he just asked me, "do you still feel like crying?" and i realized i was already enjoying myself.
-- now he thinks i'm crazy that i like climbing mountains and going skin diving.

who taught me that if it's your fault, you should never cry.

he survived cancer, a major car accident and a dozen other problems.

believes that i'm just like him AND much much more...

happy birthday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow. your dad rocks.