Tuesday, April 19, 2005

soft recovery

just got back from climbing mt. daguldol
had fun! will post pictures later. i'm still waiting for other people's pics coz i don't have my camera yet.

my sis informed me that she has bought one but would not tell me what she bought :) she's coming home this friday so i'm really excited.

i got the ebook of the last Star Wars movie that's coming out this year. I hope it's good. I'm really disappointed with the prequels but I hope he finds a way to redeem part of the Star Wars fame with the third movie.

Still no sign of Sin City here in the Philippines. I hate it. (T_T) I hate the delay. It's a great movie and I can't see it yet. I read the comics and I've seen clips of the movie. The movie is so faithful to the comic its impossible not to love it. A must see for all Frank Miller fans. It was also released in the states on my birthday. If I was with my sister I would have watched it. It probably is the best comic book adaptation ever.

I watched "The Village" again on DVD. I absolutely adored the love story. I like the lines. people might hate it because it wasn't scary but I liked it because he tried something else and it was well written. I think the people had something against the setting and the fact that the monster wasn't real.

Last weekend I watched Be Cool with my mom and neal. Had a great time. The Rock proved to be a really funny as the gay bodyguard/aspiring actor. Even my mom had fun. I think it's the first movie with John Travolta and Uma Thurman together after Pulp Fiction.

I'm counting the days till May 4 because that's when Kingdom of Heaven is showing. Since we change movies on a Wednesday here instead of Friday in the States, we get to watch it 2 days before them. hehe

Goodwill bookstore is really having a sale. I rummaged through the Megamall branch. I was a bit disappointed because I couldn't find a lot. I did buy 3 books though. Worth 800++ but I only paid 150.

The "Last Morpheus" painting by Micahel Zulli is now done and up for auction at eBay. Last time I checked, the price was at 3.8k. It's really good and very detailed. Reminds me of the artwork in "The Wake".

Finally, I wanted to post the link to "Space-time for Springers". A heart breaking sci fi cat story. I'm never looking at cats the same way again.

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